Je weet dat je skileraar bent als je…

In de categorie 'gevonden voorwerpen' (op Facebook), een erg grappige beschrijving:


*you tell every parent that their kid was one of the best in the group in hopes that you'll get a bigger tip

*you keep your life in a locker in a dank basement beneath a cafeteria… or in a boot bag

*you don't pay to get your gear waxed or sharpened, you do it yourself (in the same dark basement the rest of your life is in)

*you know what the PSIA is

*you keep spare socks in your purse/backpack

*you are 100% comfortable walking around in public wearing your long johns/spandex

*the people you work with aren't just from your town, they're from all over the world

*you know the shops to go to for the best deals in the area (and you know that it's not at the mountain you work for)

*during weekends, you tend to hang out only with people you work with

*at line up, you stand in the "greeting area" in hopes that once everyone's showed up, there's no group for you to work with

*you know you get much more respect in uniform and you abuse that fact

*when you found out you get 50% off food, including waffle house, it made your year and you immediately thereafter gained approximately 10 lbs at the very next opportunity

*when you wake up in the morning to go to work, you don't bother with hair or make-up, you just put on a beanie and go

*you get to the mountain an hour before you have to be there so that you have time to take a few runs before you get stuck on the beginner slopes all day

*you have calves the size of Canada from running up and down the bunny hill all day long while wearing all your gear

*you actually prefer wearing your helmet when you're not on the bunny hill

*you go through gloves/mittens like it's nobody's business… damn rope tows…

*when you see bare ground in january it makes you want to cry

*screw global warming. grrrr

*you know exactly what time of day a trail is best to ski on and what time of day it's not

*you enjoy getting name tags for your jacket with outrageous nicknames and fake hometowns

*pajama bottoms and studded belts are perfectly acceptable work attire =P

*when you meet someone who claims they've never skied or boarded before, you look at them like they're from a different planet

*L.L. Bean Gore-Tex (mt.snow)

*can you say permanent goggle tan?

*your best day ever is when you have a group of kids who really enjoy their lesson

*your worst day ever is when you have a group of kids that complain and whine that they're rather be playing video games

*face-masks are only acceptable in weather below 15 degrees (F). at all other times, you are a wuss.

*you know that stickers and hot chocolate are the best bribe

*while all your friends stumble around in their ski boots, you've perfected the art of running, jumping, and dancing in yours

*you know that when your shins hurt it's better to tighten your boots than to loosen them

*you also know that two layers of socks will actually make your feet colder, not warmer

*you think people who yell at the lifties when it's not their fault are douches

*you recognize that anyone sitting in the middle of a run is fair game to spray (as in cover them with snow using a sharp turn or stop)

*you always feel guilty about not going to the optional training sessions on your days off, but you still skip anyways

*your summers are just "okay" in comparison

* you know that first tracks = the best skiing of the day. all the more reason to be up at 6:30

*speaking of first tracks, you fully look forward to getting up at 6:30 to be at the mountain in time for the first chair up

*even when you're not working, you live at the mountain.


*ski mag is your bible

*you've filled out an incedent report form for when a kid fell down but was perfectly ok

*You drink enough free hot chocolate and eat enough goldfish to feed thousands

*your back hurts after you have a fat kid in your lesson

*you know to put something nice and warming in a hipflast as it is the best way to bribe stroppy housewives into giving skiing a shot

*when all you say all day is "pizza… frenchfries!"

*you feel funny if you aren't wearing your ski or board boots

*you'd trade your nice warm summers to go work at a mountain in some other part of the world where it's actually cold

*You actually loose or spend more money than you make

*you become just another one of the kids.

*…you can ski/run in skis just as well backwards as you can forwards.


(Bron: Facebook – een internationale tegenhanger van Hyves)

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